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Banner on Homepage -
Juega Ganador

A banner was uploaded on the sidebar of the Juega Ganador homepage with the Leo Vegas logo, redirecting users educated in sports betting to the website.

Banner on Homepage -
Orgullo Barca

A banner was also uploaded on the sidebar of the Orgullo Barca homepage with the Leo Vegas logo, redirecting users curious about sports news to the website.

Leo Vegas review upload

Written by a team of professionals, and with the authority that JuegaGanador has, we have uploaded a article type review of Leo Vegas

Graphic arts design for Social

Graphic arts were designed from scratch for promotion on Facebook, Telegram and WhatsApp

Social posts

We show some of the publications made in Orgullo Barca (400K), Barcelomania (1M) and Yo soy Madridista (1.7 M of Followers)

Promo in JuegaGanador mobile application

An advertising banner was published in the JuegaGanador mobile application, in the image on the right you can see it

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